This morning we hear from one of our Belize Mission Team participants and then challenged to be obedient in mission.
Text: Acts 8:26-40
Speaker: Pastor Todd Bolton
Author Archives: WBC Admin
How to Respond in Trials and Falls
Text: Luke 22:31-34; 54-62
Speaker: Pastor Pat Smith
Live a Life that Glorifies God
Text: Acts 9:36-43
Speaker: Pastor Pat Smith
The Savior’s Strength
Text: Mark 5:1-20
Speaker: Pastor Todd Bolton
Study the Word, Know the Subject, Pass the Test
Text: Mark 4:21-41
Speaker: Pastor Todd Bolton
Follow in the Footsteps of Jesus
Text: John 13:1-20
Speaker: Patrick Smith, Family Pastor @ WBC
Authentic Followers of Christ Bear Fruit
Text: Mark 4:1-20
Speaker: Pastor Todd Bolton
The One Sin God Won’t Forgive
Text: Mark 3:22-30
Speaker: Pastor Todd Bolton
Family Matters
Text: Mark 3:7-21,31-35 & Ephesians 4:11-16
Speaker: Pastor Todd Bolton
He is the Lord
Text: Mark 2:18-3:6
Speaker: Pastor Todd Bolton